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About Zev Doll-Schmitz

Hello! I'm Zev: a queer, nature-loving, dnd-playing, freelance illustrator and writer based near Portland Oregon. I have a BFA in Sequential Art (comics, storyboards, etc.) from Savannah College of Art and Design, and a lot of experience with cross-country road trips. While much of my art is purely digital, I also love working with a variety of physical mediums. Ink, watercolors, and chalk pastels are particular favorites of mine. I bring a lot of passion to everything I do, with special interest in projects that revolve around nature, history, fantasy, and queer identities.


I am available for the following types of work:

  • Illustration

  • Inking

  • Digital Flatting/Coloring

  • Editing/Proofreading (including comics editing)

Artist Bio: Bio
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